Hello, Thank you for downloading this panel! This my first attempt
at making a panel. So bare with me. I used the CfgEdit program to edit
this panel.This is a really ez to install folder. Just follow the
instructions in each of the folders. As for the Aircraft file out here,
just put it in your Fal50caea2 folder. You must have Patch 2 for this
to work correctly.

-Mike Dante



Each part of this package remains the exclusive
copyright of its author. You are welcome to re-distribute this package on the internet, but such distributions must include all
the files in the zip unchanged and unedited. The material, graphics,
gauges and flight model contained in this package whether in whole or
part must not be used in any other commercial project or package. No
part of this package may be included in any freeware release without
consent of the author.
-Yannick Lavigne